Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
07 September 2017 Thursday
Our eyes betray our age. Once people are past 30, the upper lid begins to sag und the lower lids form baggy tear sacs. The appearance is one of a tired and constantly sleep-deprived person. At the same time our crow’s feet stay put, and the tear trough cuts a line into the face. In
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
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Face rejuvenation with fat injections
07 September 2017 Thursday
In recent years, fat injections have become a “hot topic” in plastic surgery. Today, we know that fat tissue is not just an ordinary dermal filler but a very rich source for stem cells. Injected together with the fat, stem cell develop into the cell type lacking at the place of injection, and generate the
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Dermal Fillers
07 September 2017 Thursday
With increasing age our soft tissue – fat, muscle and connective tissue – decreases. This loss is compensated with the injection of dermal fillers. Small scale injections can be applied in the surgeon’s office. A wide range of ready-to-use dermal fillers are available that are easily and painlessly applied. The effect of fillers can be
- Published in Facial Aesthetics, Filling Applications
Botox Applications
07 September 2017 Thursday
Botox is a bacterial neurotoxin isolated from the bacterium clostridium botulinum. It acts on the nerve-muscle connection and induces a temporary and localised paralysis in the muscle. Botox is available in the market in pure form; known brands are Dysport, Vistable and Neurobloc. Initially Botox was used to treat strabismus (“crossed eyes”); another area was
- Published in Botox, Facial Aesthetics
Skin Resurfacing
07 September 2017 Thursday
Face rejuvenation procedures address the issues of wrinkles and volume loss; they are not suitable for the repair of age-related damages to the skin. In the process, the top layers of the skin are carefully removed and the growth of new skin is stimulated. Frequently asked questions about face peeling: What techniques are used in
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Facial Implants
07 September 2017 Thursday
The face does not consist of soft tissue and skin alone, rather it is the skull that determines the shape of our appearance. A regular skeleton is the precondition for good looks. Developmental disorders, genetic defects, an accident or tooth problems may cause facial deformities. This is particularly noticeable in the midface and the jaw.
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Migraine Surgery
07 September 2017 Thursday
Twelve per cent of the population suffer from migraines, with a prevalence in women three times higher than in men. According to research, one in five women who undergo plastic surgery is a migraine sufferer. For this reason, this form of severe headaches falls into the scope of plastic surgery. Because surgery can treat migraines
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Aesthetic Ear Surgery
07 September 2017 Thursday
One in 20 children has protruding ears. It may be cute in a little child, but for school-age children, the teasing can cause serious psychological trauma. We, therefore, recommend the correction of ear anomalies at an early age. Frequently asked questions about aesthetic ear surgery: What are the main anomalies in ear development? Three anatomical
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Earlobe Repair
07 September 2017 Thursday
Earlobe-related problems are: elongation of ear ring holes over time and loss of volume with age. In particular middle-aged and older women complain about these changes. Elongated or torn earlobes Heavy ear rings can cause a deformation of the ear holes, and sometimes earlobes are torn when jewellery gets accidentally stuck. Repair surgery is carried
- Published in Facial Aesthetics
Body Contouring
07 September 2017 Thursday
Who does not aspire to a youthful, well-shaped body? For women this means a tight belly, small waist, round and firm buttocks, long and shapely legs and slim ankles. Men dream of an athletic body and a “six pack”. A well-contoured body is part hereditary, part healthy diet, moderate lifestyle and regular exercises. Only few
- Published in Body Modeling