Six golden rules for those who consider cosmetic surgery Download
The approach of summer is a time when women in particular become more occupied with their looks. However, before making a decision with a lasting impact on your life, you should take your time to consider a few important aspects. For all who plan cosmetic surgery this year, Prof. Dr. Akın Yücel, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, has compiled a short list of six golden rules.
Akın Yücel: “Torsoplasty: A way to achieve an attractive body in one session” Download
For Prof. Dr. Akın Yücel, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, breasts and abdomen form a single aesthetic unit, and cosmetic surgery must take this into account. “Breasts, abdomen and waist constitute what artists call the torso. An isolated intervention in one area makes problems in the other areas only more visible. With the torsoplasty approach, the entire area is shaped in a single operation.”
Aesthetic preferences of prospective brides and grooms Download
On their wedding day, bride and groom want to look their best. Preparations begin weeks if not months before this special day. Prof. Dr. Akın Yücel, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, explains what surgery brides and grooms request, and why.