We „face“ the world, we express ourselves through our face, we communicate with it, it is the first meaningful expression of our self a foreigner gets to see. A beautiful face is a door opener while facial deficiencies or deformities shut people out from many opportunities in life. Some religions believe in a connection between a beautiful face and fate or “what is written on the forehead”.
Our face also reveals the first signs of ageing. Ageing is a complex process with a hereditary basis, and is strongly influenced by life style choices and environmental factors such as our diet and sleeping habits, stress and grief, physical activity or the lack of it, cigarette and alcohol consumption, the impact of the sun and last but not least gravity. The loss of skin elasticity and subsequent sagging is unavoidable. We can, however, prolong a youthful and fresh appearance with good skincare and surgical intervention. This is generally called “face rejuvenation”.
The purpose of this procedure is not a new face. The goal should be to turn back the clock in terms of appearance by 10-15 years, and support a smooth ageing process in beauty. The reason why many people do not warm up to the idea of surgical face rejuvenation is well-publicised operations that have gone wrong. Which, in some cases, means badly executed surgery, and in others, an unnatural look. However, many people are aware and complain out the discrepancy between their still youthful spirit and the physical age of their body and face. It is the task of a plastic surgeon to re-establish this balance.
Facial Cosmetic
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facial cosmetic